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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1997-03-18  |  828b  |  23 lines

  1. :Base TrayDriv.hlp
  2. 1 About TrayDrive
  3. 2 Introduction=intro
  4. 2 Installation/Uninstallation/Startup Folder=installation
  5. 2 New features in this version=new_features
  6. 2 Program history=history
  7. 2 Registration=HID_DRIVE_REGISTER
  8. 2 Contacting the Author of TrayDrive=contact
  9. 2 License/Disclaimer/Copyright/Restrictions=copyright
  10. 2 Known Issues=known_issues
  11. 1 How to use TrayDrive
  12. 2 Quick Introduction to using TrayDrive=quick_usage
  13. 2 Popup Menu=menu_popup
  14. 2 Specifying Options=HID_DRIVE_OPTIONS
  15. 2 Using the About screen=HID_DRIVE_ABOUT
  16. 2 Register via the web=HID_DRIVE_REGISTER_VIATHEWEB
  17. 2 Register via mail, fax, or e-mail=HID_DRIVE_REGISTER_FILLOUTFORM
  18. 2 Using the On-Line and Context-Sensitive Help=on_line_help
  19. 2 Configuring TrayDrive
  20. 3 Drives to Monitor=drives
  21. 3 Warnings=warnings
  22. 3 Other options=other_options